Saturday 3 August 2013

That Lonely Path

That Lonely Path

On a lonely path
None to walk path with
Path narrow and rough
Thorns on ground pierce feet
Cries as audible as a vuvuzela
But none would hear
No one on path
Everywhere silent as a graveyard.

I tread on a lonely path
Could have digressed
But destiny keeps pushing me on
Path horrible and frightening
But courage within keeps kicking
I am no football to be played
But I roll along path
Defiling and defying the odds.

On that lonely path
Where mockers mock
To lock feet at a point
Where you are shrouded by doubts
But wouldn't succumb nor fidget.

Crown at end of path glittering
Desiring to be worn by the pathfinder
Walking on a lonely but new path
Better than treading on the used path
Where mediocrity and complacency resides.

On a lonely path
On a unique mission
On a neglected path
A golden throne awaits.

Written by: Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom