Monday 2 December 2013

My First Poetry Book

I had just come in from an exhausting work on a Friday (31st of May, 2013 ) when I saw an essay contest online for poets who wanted to get their books published but had been limited by limitations. Seeing such great opportunity , I acted instantly by writing an essay titled "My Poetry Speaks' on the spot without any special preparation; passion was at work. I had published no book then and was determined to have my poems in a book for readers to read and be impacted positively.

Months later,the result came in,and miraculously I made the first cut of 28 essayists and was given the scholarship to publish a chap book with Inner Child Press in the United States.

What you see in the picture is the product of the essay, and on Monday 2nd of December, 2013 , it will be available for sale!

A big thank you to Inner Child Press for creating such great opportunity for my ability.

Are we prepared to welcome the birth of a new book?
I will be forever grateful for every help rendered to make book's existence fruitful.


Book is now available,purchase here: