Monday 30 September 2013


Photo: No Second Choice For Second Chance (International Collaboration)

Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom (Nigeria):

Walking along the shore 
like a shepherdless sheep
I collide with past in present
Old memories escape out of obscurity
Memories puncture mind 
to make selves known
I stare while she peeks at me
Hope hopping on the ground 
of second chance
Past about to be wiped away
With the duster of a new beginning.

Flowers she hold tenderly 
in tender hands
She presents to me
But I wouldn't receive
No signal for connection
The past is obstinate
It wouldn't permit me 
to permit second chance.

Schy Taylor Cortez (Philippines):

The Heart is blind 
It feels but cannot see 
The mind is emotionally insensitive 
It sees but does not feel
The mind is slave to logic
Heart is master to feelings
The body is home to both.

A mild heart is optimistic
Second chance is given a chance
A logical mind is pessimistic
Too logical to hope
But wise enough to reason
Logic can accept; reason may forgive 
But the heart that feels 
Too much then, may not retrieve..
What it did, what it gave 
Forever lost... 
Maybe.. What for a second chance 
Perhaps the heart can feel 
It cannot see. ... 
For now 

PICTURE CREDIT: Schy Taylor Cortez

Freedom and Schy connect souls to make this poetic pieces a poetic piece.

Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom (Nigeria):

Walking along the shore 

like a shepherdless sheep
I collide with past in present
Old memories escape out of obscurity
Memories puncture mind
to make selves known
I stare while she peeks at me
Hope hopping on the ground
of second chance
Past about to be wiped away
With the duster of a new beginning.

Flowers she hold tenderly
in tender hands
She presents to me
But I wouldn't receive
No signal for connection
The past is obstinate
It wouldn't permit me
to permit second chance.

Schy Taylor Cortez (Philippines):

The Heart is blind
It feels but cannot see
The mind is emotionally insensitive
It sees but does not feel
The mind is slave to logic
Heart is master to feelings
The body is home to both.

A mild heart is optimistic
Second chance is given a chance
A logical mind is pessimistic
Too logical to hope
But wise enough to reason
Logic can accept; reason may forgive
But the heart that feels
Too much then, may not retrieve..
What it did, what it gave
Forever lost...
Maybe.. What for a second chance
Perhaps the heart can feel
It cannot see. ...
For now

PICTURE CREDIT: Schy Taylor Cortez

Freedom and Schy connect souls to make this poetic pieces a poetic piece

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